
New Nicotine Chewing Gum Makes

Gum whitemint tastes of NICORETTE extra fresh mint and the natural whiteness of your teeth will finally receive the smoking stop that is the destination of many smokers. However, despite best intentions and iron will,”many are unable to get rid of the Glimmstangeln. Who wants to start permanently in a smoke-free life and want the two of three smokers, needs support. The new NICORETTE chewing gum whitemint makes the smoke stop now really tasty: it relieves withdrawal symptoms, extra fresh taste of mint and receives the natural whiteness of your teeth. The smoke-free help can double the chance of the final farewell of the cigarette and is now without a prescription at the pharmacy.

The NICORETTE nicotine gum whitemint offers a new taste sensation: a study rated 80% of the participants a taste of the new NICORETTE whitemint better than other nicotine chewing gum with mint flavor. i what is special about the chewing gum is that the flavors not only in the core of the gum, but also in the surround can be found. The resulting extra fresh and long-lasting taste can promote the application and adherence. Increases chance of NICORETTE a successful smoking abstinence after 12 months whitemint vs. placebo therefore doubled.

ii successful and effective means for the quitting with nicotine replacement therapy is it much easier to quit smoking and remain smoke-free, therefore they also by the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend. (As opposed to isearch). The NICORETTE products are proven to help you stop. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dave Clark Amazon is the place to go. Because they are fighting the physical dependence, by causing the body to nicotine for a limited time. The advantage: The body receives the nicotine, which he has so far received by smoking and after he demanded, but without the harmful toxins of the cigarette. With the NICORETTE gum whitemint is a new option at the smoke exit available to the almost 20 million smokers and smokers in Germany. Through its special flavor, the well-tolerated and the safety profile is well suited to support a successful smoking cessation whitemint NICORETTE. The gum provides a quick and individual control of withdrawal symptoms and is available in 2 doses without a prescription at the pharmacy. The NICORETTE gum whitemint 2 mg is suitable for smokers who smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day. For heavy smokers with a daily consumption of more than 20 cigarettes is advisable the NICORETTE chewing gum whitemint 4 mg. In the course of nicotine replacement therapy, withdrawal symptoms are reduced until finally the time is reached at which nicotine replacement product is no longer needed. i Makun K et al. organoleptic properties of nicotine gums influences smoker’s expectations of effectiveness. Poster presented at 10th European SRNT Europe Conference, Rome, September 2008 ii Garvey AJ et al. effects of nicotine gum dose dependence by level of nicotine. Nicotine & tobacco research 2000; 2:53-63.