
Vitamins, Beauty And Health

Curative effect provides bilberry, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes intraocular pressure and improve eyesight. Kissel has beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and nutrients necessary for the preservation of view, perfectly digestible. Vitamin B Complex-Ming 21. In recent months, Steve Wozniak has been very successful. This complex of essential vitamins and minerals with biologically active substances of medicinal plants excellent source of extra vitamins for the eyes. V-min 21 perfect to protect your eyes from the intense pressures and support the physiological processes of vision. He is able to reduce the risk of visual impairment. Dave Clark Flexport: the source for more info. The composition of the B-min 21 include hips and sea buckthorn, which have a bracing effect on the whole organism and a useful trace element selenium. It has antioxidant properties, which allows the use of this trace element for prevention of cancer, provoked by chemical and radiation. Selenium stimulates the formation of antibodies and thereby increases the body’s defense against infectious and colds. Participates in development of red blood cells, is a potent immunostimulant and carcinostatic agent.

In addition, this trace element strengthens the immune defense against viruses and other pathogenic invaders; active components drug help: strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the fundus; prevent the weakening of view; improve the adaptation of the dark; reduce fatigue during long-term strain on the eyes (work with computer, driving, reading, watching television) Eye protection against aggressive external influences (bright light, electromagnetic radiation, etc.). V-min 21 contains: Vitamins: A, C, E; Minerals: Melen, calcium carbonate, zinc; Botanical ingredients: fruits of sea buckthorn and wild rose. Who should take vitamins for the eyes? Anyone who suffers from myopia and hyperopia; Everyone who works at a computer. Case that user receives information simultaneously with the monitor screen, and reflected light (keyboard, typed text). Eyes to such a regime is not adapted by nature, and vision deteriorates. Therefore, the visual system works with harder, therefore, expends more energy, robbing other organs and creating conditions for disease development or aggravation of causing the existing ones. People over 40 years. This is the period beginning age-related changes in blood vessels of the body, including eyes. Normally functioning vascular system – a pledge of good vision, aimed at strengthening its many ophthalmic drugs; Women with varicose veins, even insignificant. Predisposition to thrombosis is extremely dangerous to the retina. Those who are sick of cataract and glaucoma. Vitamins are able to inhibit the development of these diseases at an early stage or to facilitate the condition of those who are ill; People with diabetes, which inevitably affects the eyes.