

A report card on Multiludica for a year and eight months that we published an article about Multiludica, which has been viewed more than 28 thousand times. The two videos that are on were observed by more than 6 thousand people, and we can not fail to mention about 4 thousand e-mails that we receive on our website (currently in restructuring). If I add the above 4 thousand children in Peru and about 500 in Bolivia that have learned the system, allow us to confirm the interest raised by this modest contribution. Allow me in particular to thank all persons that have shown interest in our work. We do not intend to usurp us virtues or advantages that we don’t have. We neither consider us the inventors of gunpowder. What we have done is simply putting greater emphasis on certain aspects that we have would obtain the results that you have observed. s.

Today more than ever convinced that is the reasoning and not memorization. That is the game, competition and the challenge among others things that allow you to deploy this amazing intelligence that exists in a latent state in the vast majority of children. We apply these features timely learning of multiplication up to 20 tables and the results speak for themselves. I am convinced that this form of teaching can be applied to other courses and materials. We believe that there are two very important aspects of any subject, especially in the case of mathematics learning. On the one hand this part of the same concept, what is this learning, that serves, how it is applied and the other aspect is the operating, i.e. the development of exercises and problems on the subject. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Energy Capital Partners. We have seen too often is not given importance to the first, that on many occasions, takes the child from front to the operative part, that many times child becomes a machine to solve problems and exercises and at the end you do not understand well what they are doing or they serve.